Honors & Awards

Honorary Degrees

  • 5/11/2024: Aileen Meyer, Doctor of Humane Letters
  • 5/11/2024: Dan Phillips, Doctor of Humane Letters
  • 5/13/2023: Jorge Matias, Doctor of Humane Letters
  • 5/14/2022: Betty Kwan Chinn, Doctor of Humane Letters
  • 5/15/2021: Walter James Lara, Sr., Doctor of Humane Letters
  • 10/11/2016: George N. Blake, Doctor of Humane Letters  - View ceremony  View gallery event
  • 5/17/2014: Herrmann Spetzler, Doctor of Humane Letters
  • 5/12/2012: Robert N. Klein, Doctor of Laws
  • 5/17/2008: Cheryl Seidner, Doctor of Humane Letters
  • 5/17/2008: Michael Fielding, Doctor of Humane Letters
  • 5/18/2002: Gwynna M. Morris, Doctor of Humane Letters
  • 5/16/1998: Monica P. Hadley, Doctor of Humane Letters
  • 5/20/1995: Fred. B. Galbreath, Doctor of Science
  • 5/21/1994: Louis W. Schatz, Doctor of Science
  • 6/15/1985: Homer P. Balabanis, Doctor of Fine Arts
  • 6/4/1965: Monroe E. Spaght, Doctor of Laws

President's Distinguished Service Award Recipients

The Distinguished Service Award is granted for specific and meritorious service to the University and/or the community.

YearNameTitleMore Comments
2024Kellie Jo BrownCampus PhotographerFor over 20 years of dedication and commitment to capturing the authentic story of Cal Poly Humboldt and the beauty of the surrounding area
2024Karen DiemerCity Manager for the City of ArcataDedicated her 30-year career to building an equitable, prosperous community and helped found Equity Arcata to promote inclusivity and safety for all
2024Jenny HarrisPresident and CEO of American HydroponicsFor her commitment to Cal Poly Humboldt students and her leadership in driving the transformative Boldly Rising campaign, the largest in the university's history
2024 Jim and Sharon ReddBusiness and community leadersFor their commitment to Cal Poly Humboldt athletics, generous support of student-athlete scholarships, and leadership in establishing the Tom Wood Court endowment
2023Keith FlamerPresident, College of the RedwoodsIn acknowledgement of his role in helping create degree pathway programs for students to attend Cal Poly Humboldt and other four-year universities
2023Robin SmithBoard Chair, Cal Poly Humboldt FoundationFor leadership on the Boldly Rising Campaign, and for creating endowments that provide scholarships to Nursing students, and support to Club Sports and Recreational Sports facilities
2023Connie StewartExecutive Director of InitiativesFor her long and distinguished commitment to the campus and local community, including a bequest commitment to the University
2022Eileen CashmanProfessor & Chair, School of EngineeringIn recognition of her instrumental role in helping the University plan and launch 27 new polytechnic programs
2022Nichole Muñoz-MurilloDeputy Legislative Secretary, Office of Governor Gavin NewsomFor supporting Cal Poly Humboldt at the state level, and advocating for the creation of the RN to BSN Nursing program, and the state’s $458 million investment in the polytechnic transition
2022Jason RamosTribal Councilmember, Blue Lake RancheriaFor his Jason M. Ramos Endowment for Kinesiology Research, and stewardship of the Blue Lake Rancheria Fellowship for Clean Energy Studies at the Schatz Energy Research Center
2022Gary RynearsonForestry Instructor and Second-Generation ForesterFor bringing decades of experience into the classroom, and directly impacting the development of an entire generation of forestry graduates
2021Loren BlanchardExecutive Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, CSUFor helping Humboldt State University address our diversity goals and supporting HSU's potential of becoming a polytechnic university.
2021Christina KoczeraEmergency Coordinator and Director of Risk Management & Safety ServicesFor guiding Humboldt State University through the COVID-19 pandemic and building strong relations with the community and public health.
2014Provost Robert A. SnyderFor outstanding leadership and commitment to high standards in education since 1987. Presented upon his retirement.
2013President Emeritus Alistair McCroneFor nearly 40 years of service and support to Humboldt State University and the community as President and President Emeritus
2013Dr. Robert GearheartProfessor Emeritus, Environmental Resources EngineeringIn recognition of his tireless contributions to HSU and its students, the community and the world. Dr. Gearheart has enriched the quality of water for peoples around the world.
2010Dr. Steven Butler
2004Dr. Reese HalterIn recognition of inimitable leadership in redwood canopy biological research
2002Judith Saari McCroneFor her very effective service to Humboldt State University as First Lady from 1974-2002 and for her services to the Humboldt and Del Norte county communities through her many acts of generosity and kindness
2001Ken StodderFor nearly 40 years of continuing acts of assistance and support, and particularly for his positive efforts in communicating to the public the essence of athletic events and programs both on campus and in the Humboldt County community
2001Gwynna MorrisFor her very effective service to Humboldt State University as a member of the University Advisory Board 1993-2001 and for her service to the California State University as a representative of the students, staff and faculty of Humboldt State University as a member of the CSU Alumni Council since 1993 and as President of the CSU Alumni Council from 1997 to 1999
1999Cedric KinzerFor all his frequent and continuing acts of assistance and support toward promoting the health, well being and success of student athletes and others both on campus and in the community
1999Leslie Douglas, D. V. M.In recognition of services to University instructional and research programs. For all his frequent and continuing acts of assistance and support regarding care and appropriate use of university animals in our instructional and research programs, for his inimitable leadership and service to the University as a member and chair of the Humboldt State University Foundation, and for his manifold services to the civic community of with the University is a part
1997Don H. ClausenServices to University and community as a U.S. Congressman
1996C. Leland Barlow, D.M.A.For all his continuing acts of assistance and support, and particularly for his positive efforts toward promoting choral music performance and student scholarships
1995Sam B. Merryman, Jr.For all his manifold acts of assistance and support, and particularly for his positive efforts toward advancing the success of Humboldt State University
1995Raymond A. Koch, M.D.In recognition of medical services to HSU athletics. For all his continuing acts of assistance and support, and particularly for his positive efforts toward promoting the health and success of our student athletes
1991John C. HennessyProfessor of History emeritusSenior Administrator Emeritus
1990Dick EnbergHadley Distinguished Lecturer; NBC Sports Commentator
1988Marianne PinchesMember, Humboldt Symphony since 1934
1987Jack F. Daly, Jr.Past Chair, HSU Advisory Board; past chair California State Automobile AssociationFor all his diverse civic efforts, which are too numerous to cite here, but particularly for his successful efforts toward bringing the University and the local community into a closer and mutually supportive communion
1985George H. AllenEstablishment of Oceanography program; developed graduate program in Fisheries and Arcata Marsh Project. In respect and tribute for his manifold academic and personal qualities, and services which have contributed so much to the quality of life in our society and which have further ennobled our University
1985Dolores VellutiniChair, HSU Advisory Board; Humboldt Area Foundation
1979Roy T. BrophyChairman, CSU Board of Trustees
1979Gordon T. HadleyChairman, HSU Advisory Board
1977Charles FulkersonProfessor of Music emeritusHSU orchestra conductor
1976Louise WatsonProfessor of Health and Physical EducationUpon her retirement
1976Homer BalabanisVice President for Academic Affairs emeritus
1975Fred J. Moore, Jr.County Clerk of Humboldt CountyIn appreciation for his many acts of friendship and assistance to the University
1973Olga Marie SiemensPresident's wifeIn appreciation on occasion of the 20th anniversary of CHS service to HSU
1969Division ChairmenIn appreciation of service when the University reorganized from Divisions to Schools
1968Frank P. BelottiAssemblyman, Second District
1967Susie Baker FountainFirst HSU graduateAwarded upon her gift to the University of the Susie Baker Fountain Papers